Online IPS Awards application: Submission date extended till 31st August 2024




Dear Esteemed Members,

Last date for submission of online award application has been extended till 31st August 2024.

Interested members are requested to go through the instructions available on the website before online award application ( and apply for any award of their choice.

Note: Before Login, please check and ensure your email and mobile number is correct on members’ database available on IPS website: If the email /mobile number is not correct, please write a mail to the Secretary, IPS (Email: to update your email and mobile number, failing of which, members will not get the OTP for login.

1.     S.N. Dasgupta Lecture Award

2.     J.F. Dastur Memorial Award

3.     Sharda Lele Memorial Award

4.     K.C. Mehta and Manoranjan Mitra Award

5.     S. Sinha Memorial Award

6.     B.N. Chakraborty and Usha Chakraborty IPS Best Teacher Award

7.     A.K. Sarbhoy Memorial Award

8.     D.P. Misra & R.N. Pandey IPS Best Women Scientist Award

9.     A.N. Mukhopadhyay Oration Award

10.  M.K. Patel Memorial Young Scientist Award

11.  Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society (FPSI)

General Instructions:    

  1. Before Login, please check and ensure your email and mobile number are correct on members database available on IPS website: If the email /mobile number is not correct, please write a mail to the Secretary, IPS (Email: to update your email and mobile number, failing of which, members will not get the OTP for login.
  2. Interested members can login the website first time using OTP and can create password for subsequent login.
  3. In a year either the nomination for Fellowship or an application for an Award only will be considered and not for both, in respect of an eligible member.
  4. Maximum 2 awards and FPSI will be conferred to a single member throughout the membership in the Society.
  5. Five years will be cooling period for applying any awards except FPSI.
  6. Cut-off marks for all the awards will be 70% and 60% for FPSI. If two person get equal marks then award will be given to the senior person on age basis
  7. The award result shall be announced at the annual meeting of the Society.
  8. The Society will inform the recipient of his selection and request him/her to deliver a lecture in the next annual meeting of the Society or to write review papers as per norms of the award. The lecture be printed in the Journal (Indian Phytopathology).
  9. If a person selected for the lecture award is unable to deliver the lecture due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances during that year, he/she may deliver the lecture in the following year. However, the award will lapse, if he/she is unable to come for the lecture in the following year also.
  10. The Society shall have the sole right of formulation of rules governing such selection and selection of the recipient of the award.
  11. The recommendations will be made in each award at least by TWO Fellows (FPSI) in the prescribed proforma in a year. One IPS fellow (FPSI) can not make more than TWO recommendations. Recommendations once made shall remain valid for three years. Self-nomination/recommendation is not acceptable. Download proforma for Fellow's recommendation.
  12. Applicants nominated by the Executive Council (EC) of the Society are not required recommendations from the fellows of the IPS (FPSI). 
  13. Name of the Fellows (FPSI) are available on IPS website  (
  14. All the supporting documents are required for each claim.