Dr. Reddy is a Professor in the Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology,
Auburn University, USA. Earned a
Ph. D. in Integrated Pest Management with speciality in Biological Control and
PGPR from the Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Completed Post Doctoral training in the
Department of Botany at the University of Toronto, Canada. Worked as a
Scientist, Senior Scientist and R & D Global Manager for several industries
such as ExxonMobil (Esso – Imperial Oil), Agrium, Cominco fertilizers, Allelix
etc. in Canada for over 15 years and its current position since 1998.
Established a multi-disciplinary, nationally and internationally recognized, comprehensive
research in the area of biological control of soil-borne diseases, IPM,
biofertilizers & biofungicides (PGPR), induced systemic resistance, organic
agriculture, development of safer environmentally-friendly agricultural
products for sustainable agriculture with reduction of pesticide use and poverty alleviation around the world for over 40 years. Developed several commercial biofertilizers and
biofungicides for sustainable agriculture with national and international
collorative efforts. Authored and co-authored over 300 peer reviewed research papers in high impact journals and several book chapters, refereed research and extension articles,
proceedings, bulletins, popular press reports, electronic media and others. Panelist
on several granting agency review boards, Chief Editor, Editor, Associate
Editor and Reviewer of research papers for several national and international
journals. Developed and managed grants in partnership with national and
international research and development organizations that have reached over several millions of dollars. Research efforts have been recognized widely
and invited to several countries around the globe for presentations and
research collaborations. Since 1987, participated in sucessfully organizing
International PGPR Workshops includes Orillia, Ontario, Canada in 1987;
Interlaken, Switzerland in 1990; Adelaide, Australia in 1994; Sapporo, Japan in
1997; Cordoba, Argentina in 2000; Kerala, India in 2003; Noordwijkerhout, The
Netherlands 2006; Portland, USA in 2009; Medellin, Colombia in 2012; and Liege,
Belgium in 2015. In 2009, established a non-profit Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable Agriculture
with likely-minded group of scientific friends and registered the society in
India and later in USA to enable scientists, researchers, academicians,
government groups, students, farmers, and industry personnel etc. from various
agricultural disciplines to meet every two years in different Asian Countries
and discuss their common interests in teaching, research and commercialization
of PGPR’s. Asian PGPR Society has more than 1200 registered life members from
around the globe and is growing every day. To-date, four very successful Asian
PGPR International Conferences have been organized includes; 1st
Asian PGPR International Conference in Hyderabad, India (2009);2nd Asian PGPR Conference in
Beijing, China (2011); 3rd Asian PGPR Conference inManila, Philippines (2013); 4th in
Hanoi, Vietnam (2015) and the 5th will be in held in Bogor,
Indonesia from July 16-19, 2017. Participated as
aChair of workshops of the scientific
programs and an organizer of numerous symposia and workshops at international
conferences. Trained several M.Sc. and Ph.
D. graduates, post-doctorals and visiting scientists at national and
international levels. Received prestigious awards from
USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea, India etc. Successful Businessperson,
Investor & Entrepreneur of www.auburnventures.com, Auburn, Alabama, USA. Consultant for several national and international
educational, industrial and governemntal and non-govermental funding agencies.