Dinesh Singh

President 1
Name Dinesh Singh
Designation Head & Principal Scientist
Complete postal Address with city code Division of Crop Protection, ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow - 226002, Uttar Pradesh
Email IDs dinesh_iari@rediffmail.com
Mobile No. 9968246428

Brief Biodata

Birth & Educations: Birth on 23 February 1968 at Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. He educated B. Sc. Ag. from Kanpur University, Kanpur in 1988, M.Sc. Ag and  Ph. D. in Mycology & Plant Pathology from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi in 1990 and 1995 respectively. 

Positions hold: I joined ARS services in January 20, 1997 at IIVR, Varanasi as scientist and then worked as scientist upto  23rd July 2006 at CIPHET, Abohar (Punjab). I joined ICAR- IARI, New Delhi on 24th July 2006 as Sr. Scientist and principal scientist on 20th January 2012 and continued up to 12th July 2023.  I am holding the post as Head, Division of Crop Protection, ICAR- IISR, Lucknow since 13th July 2023.

Awards/Honours: I have been awarded as Dr. M. M. Alam Medal, Young Scientist Associate Award, Late Shri P. P. Shinghal Memorial Award, J. P. Varma Memorial lecture Award, Reviewer Excellence, Award for Excellent in Research, Distinguished Scientist in Plant Pathology Award, Best Faculty Award, NESA Green Technology Innovative Award and B. P. Pal Memorial Best Scientist Award and Prof. M S Pavgi Award from various professional societies and agencies. 

Fellow: I have been honoured as NESA Fellowship, NABS Fellow, IPS Fellow, SPPS Fellow, Bioved Fellowship Award, Honorary Fellowship, ISHRD Fellowship, Fellow of Asian PGPR Society.

Research Areas: I am working on biological control, diagnostic, diversity analysis of the bacterial and fungal pathogens, postharvest diseases and sugarcane diseases.