Prof. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Oration Award - Guidelines
Name of the Award
Prof. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Oration Award for Innovation in Biointensive Management of Plant Diseases
Donor of the Award
Prof. A.N. Mukhopadhyay, Former Vice Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat (Assam), 151 Sangini, Rai Bareilly Road, Lucknow 226025, Uttar Pradesh
Value of the Award
Shawl, memento, TA/DA (2nd AC Train/economy class airfare) and Rs 20,000 in cash out of Interest of the endowment amount
Periodicity of the Award
The Award shall be made once in two years
Administration of the Award
The Society shall have the sole right of selection of the recipient of the award and of the formulation of rules governing such selection
Eligibility of the Award
This award to be Biennial in nature for scientists of 55 years or above holding permanent position and having at least ten (10) years of IPS Life Membership.
Objective of the Award
(i) To provide recognition to outstanding plant pathologist for Innovation in Biointensive Management of Plant Diseases
(ii) To provide incentive for excellence in research
(iii) To promote quality of research
Nomination Procedure
IPS will invite applications for awards
(i) Nomination from Fellows: The members of the Society who wish to apply for the award given by the Society can file their application. The application for the award should be as per the format given by the Society which should be duly proposed and seconded by two Fellows of IPS. A fellow can propose/ recommend maximum of two candidates in a year. One member can apply for only one award in a year.
(ii) EC Nomination: The Executive Council (EC) may also nominate candidates for“ Prof. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Oration Award for Innovation in Biointensive Management of Plant Diseases”. Such nominees need not to be proposed and seconded by the fellows of the Society.
Procedure for selection of Recipients
(i) Nominations received will be scrutinized by a preliminary Screening Committee, which will select 5 names for further recommendation by the Judging Committee.
(ii) Judging Committee will recommend one name to the Secretary in a sealed envelope.
(iii) Any member of the Society, who has filed his/her nomination for any award should not be the member of either Screening or Judging Committee during the year.
(iv) Secretary, IPS will place the result before the EC for approval and subsequently in GB for declaration.
(v) While evaluating the NAAS score for publication, the rating for the year of application may be considered.
Presentation of the Award
(i) After the acceptance of the names (by the Award Recommendation Committee) by the Executive Council, it will be reported to the General Body. The Society will inform the recipient of his/her selection and request him/her to deliver a lecture in the next annual meeting of the Society. The lecture be printed in the Journal (Indian Phytopathology) and it should be not exceed 10 printed pages.
(ii) If a person selected for the lecture award is unable to deliver the lecture due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances during that year, he may deliver the lecture in the following year. However, the award will lapse, if the person is unable to deliver the lecture in the following year also.